AusARK is a single world with connected maps (servers). You may transfer Survivors, Dinos & Items between our servers anytime.
You can not however, transfer anything from official or private servers.
One World: The Island, Ragnarok, Extinction (DLC), Aberration (DLC), Genesis (DLC), Valguero & Crystal Isles
Server Rules –
AusARK Discord –
10 Player Clustered Servers (transfer between enabled)
AusARK.Net-PvP/Island/10x/ORP/Mods- steam://connect/
AusARK.Net-PvP/Rag/10x/ORP/Mods – steam://connect/
AusARK.Net-PvP/Ext/10x/ORP/Mods- steam://connect/
AusARK.Net-PvP/Abb/10x/ORP/Mods – steam://connect/
AusARK.Net-PvP/Val/10x/ORP/Mods – steam://connect/
AusARK.Net-PvP/Crystal/10x/ORP/Mods – steam://connect/
AusARK.Net-PvP/Gen/10x/ORP/Mods – steam://connect/
Client-Side Mods (all servers)
SS (S+ replacement) (limited engrams)
Element Transmitter
Dino Storage v2 (Arkwarfare settings)
ArkWarfare Servers Mod
Bitou2k’s Binocular
Lethals Reusables (limited to Grapple/Parachute/Mindwipe)
Removed from server:
Vanilla Turrets
Cluster Grenade
Tek Buggy
Tek Chem Bench
Tek Cooking pot
Tek Forcefield
Tek Forge
Tek Stove
SS Tek Bridge
SS Bed/Bed Plus
SS Auto Crafter
SS Cannon/Flame/Tranq/Plant Turrets
SS TEK Forge
SS Blueprint Maker
SS Repulser Pad
SS Tek Shield Gen
SS Cloning/Genomics Chamber
SS Mutator
SS Vivarium
SS Element Catalyzer
SS Gacha Gavager
SS Crystal Cracker
SS Item Translocator
SS Animal Tender
SS Item Collector
SS Charge Injection
SS Drone Terminal
SS Dye Station
SS Gas Collector
Server-Side Mods (all servers)
Dino Tracker – gives your gps positions of your dinos
Cross Server Chat & Discord – Chat sent to all servers and all chat posted in discord channel #serverchat, this can also notify you if you are being raided offline with discord notifications.
Offline Raid Protection – after log off and structures become 4x harder to damage and passive dinos protected.
Suicide – Allowed players to kill themselves if stuck
PvP Cooldown: Allow structure pickup/placement, limited popcorning during PvP CD
Tribe Slot Cooldown: 6hr restriction when a member leaves/kicked from tribe
ArkWarfare Mod
Beaver Dams
– Once beaver dam inventory is accessed the dam automatically decomposes after 120 seconds.
– Duration for players is 15 seconds, Duration for Dinosaurs is 30 seconds.
– Damage for Enflamed-Debuff is set to 4% per tick down from 8% for players.
– Remove dash damage
– Reduced freeze time to players
– Reduced damage to 50% to players from Ice Breath.
– Adjustable ammo cost (ini)
– 50% reduced structure damage
– Increased range of Swing-Attack by 100%.
Mindwipe Tonic (Levels only)
– A mindwipe tonic for resetting player levels only (not engrams)
Auto Swing Candy
– A candy you can feed to Anky or Doed that will make it auto attack for 10 minutes (Use for Solo Farming)
– Allows you to grab dinos easier with the C-Attack.
– Added a Mek Chibi
– Added a Raft Chibi
– Added a Broodmother Chibi
– Added a DesertTitan Chibi
– Added a IceTitan Chibi
– Added a Velonasaur Chibi
Player Kill Leaderboard
– Added a Leaderboard for each map which has the top PKers. (Player Killers) – If you try cheat the system i will catch you!
Removed Plant Z Blinding effect
– Plant Z grenades no longer blind players, Still causes dismount of dinos.
In-Game Commands
/help – displays in game help commands (see below)
/suicide to kill yourself (does not work while in handcuffs or on dino)
/discord to see the discord link
/setdiscord <Discord name> e.g /setdiscord DrunkMunki#5598 will link your discord name to allow for offline raid notifications.
/raidwarning <mins> .. e.g /raidwarning 15 will notify me every 15mins if im being raided…
/orpcheck to see information about the Offline Raid Protection
/rules – display most of the rules in game, check the full list here
/stats – basic stats including breeding info.
/track <DinoName> – Will return the map long and latitude of where the dino is. <DinoName> is a dino name or dino tag.
All Maps
Location Based ORP (enabled after 60mins)
– 25% structure damage when offline
– Turret Damage 3x
– ORP Passive dino protection
– ORP PvP cooldown (2 secs per PvP action)
– Tek Auto Learned (see below)
– Tribe limited to 10 players
– No Alliances
– Set ORP with /setorp and /listorp
10x XP/Gather/Taming
15x Breeding
Engrams (auto learn):
Taxidermy Tool/Base
Dino Leash
Tek Dedicated Storage
Tek Generator
Tek Replicator
Tek Transmitter
SS Tek/Auto Turret
Stone/Metal Platform
Charge Battery
Karkino Saddle
Metal/Stone Cliff Platform
All standard engrams (non-tek) on level 105
– Tribes limited to 10 players, no alliances
– No Building in Mission Zones (Genesis)
– No blocking off access to artifacts/drops (with structures or turrets)
Ice Titan
Forest Titan
Desert Titan
No Tribe alliances, more than 1 tribe are not allowed to act as a single entity, help with raids are permitted but cannot be regular, abuse will result in both tribes being kicked out of their tribes.
Tribe names must be the same for ALL MAPS, you cannot have different people in your tribe on seperate maps.
Turret Limit: 200
Radius: 11,000
Structure Pickup Enabled (120 seconds) – not including SS Mod Structures
SS Auto Turret limited to 4 slots (max 4,000 ammo)
SS Heavy Turret limited to 6 slots (max 6,000 ammo)
Tek Turret limited to 5 slots (max 5,000 ammo)
Levels (as per official)
Max Wild Dino Level: 150 (Wyvern egg is: 190)
Max Pre-Ascension Survivor Level: 105
Decay & Auto-destroy
Abandoned Structures will auto-destroy if you (or a tribe mate) does not login to the server within these (real world) time frames:
Thatch – 4 days
Greenhouse – 5 days
Wood/Adobe – 8 days
Stone – 12 days
Metal/Glass/Dinos – 16 days
* Unsnapped pillars/foundations will decay faster regardless.
* Unconnected water pipes will auto-demolish after a few days.
Maps are wiped at admins discretion, no set schedule (usually when pop gets very low) and is only given 1 weeks notice before wipe.
Wild dino wipe is done every Wednesday @ 6am
Last Server Wipe: 14th Aug 2020
Server Admin is DrunkMunki and can be contactable in discord
Admins do not offer in-game assistance with lost items, stuck dinos etc UNLESS you are a Patreon supporter, this helps offset time costs and babysitting players who can’t keep tracking of their stuff…
If you need discreetly report a suspected glitch/hacker; or infringements on our rules, feel free to contact us via Discord.